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Thursday, April 23, 2009

life of a street racer

what can i say i like to street race. i have been doing it for a while now. sure its ilegal. and can get me put in jail. but ill take the chance. i remember my first race it was against a handa civic. it started off and i thought i was going to loose. but after the handa hit 3rd gear i started catching up with him fast. then i hit fourth gear at 5,000rpms and slung by him like he was sitting still. it was such a great feeling and a good adrinalin rush. after my first race i started to push my car to the limit and finaly became one with the car. about a month later word was spreading fast that i was the one who had to be beat at his own game so the people started coming at me like crazy. they all wanted a peice of me. i started geting a name for my self on the streets. then i dissaperd for awhile. well i really didnt disaper i started being a shadow racer. i would come up behind unsuspecting racers with my lights off then turn them on right when i got right beside them on the road. but i would only keep the on until i went around a turn then i would vanish into the night. word spread quik about the mysterious shadow car. then one night while i was coming up on a car with my lights off i got reall close and saw a light bar on top of the car. and about the time i saw this a car whent by on the other side of the road and the cop spoted me. luckley i was coming up on a back road i knew well so. the second the cop turned on the lights i darted down a back road with pedal to the medal. i watch in the rear view as the cop tried to catch me but after i came around a certan turn i pulled into a drive was and turned the car off. and i watched as the cop went by. i waited about an hour before i took off again. and i made it home safe. that was my closest call ever. now i have calmed down some. but i still race from time to time just to have some fun. but hey im still waiting for the day some one can beat me on the local touge.

1 comment:

  1. Certainly an interesting read. When do you think you will get your drive shaft fixed? I still want to go drifting with you sometime, I think it'd be fun, and I'd like to experience it just once at least. I like the shadow style, but hey I am ninja, he is ninja, and I believe that you are ninja to! Xb
