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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

my life in view

I have a interesting life i think. i have some funny friends were i live most of them are nerds but what can i say. its never boring when you hang around me and my friends. i have found that i am a out cast when it comes down to it. i remember back when i started high school after coming off home bound. i didnt realy fit in with most people in the school, but there was a small group of people that just interested me. it was a group of nerds. so i started to hang out with them every day. and i felt like i really fit in with them. before i knew it i was a nerd myself. i thought my life could not get any funner than it already was. but soon after meeting them we all started kung fu. i found that to be alot of fun. but that was put an end because i had to get a job so i could help pay bills. i got my first job a mcdonalds. and quikly became the king of the grill. so i had a job and could pay bills. but i also still tried to hang out with all my friends. i found that it was hard to do concidering that i worked almost every day after school. then out of no were they cut my hours. for around 3 months, so i had plenty of time to hang out with my friends. and this was my senior year in high school. so i had alot to do. come the end of the year i had my hours back at mcdonalds and it was wearing me out quik. my grades were starting to drop cause i had no time to do my homework. but thanks to a teacher that helped me out. my grades were coming back up and i was able to concetrate better on my work. so in may of 08 i graduated from high school.

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