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Monday, May 17, 2010

Lifes Curve Ball

Life is something that know one understands. It can be good and it can be bad. And sometimes just wrong. But in my life it has been one Curve Ball after another. So many things have happened to me throughout life. So good things. Like meeting the friends I have now. Who I will always love. They have been with me through some tough times and I think you for that. Daniel Potter. My best friend of all. He may not know this. But he has saved my life. Back when I came back to school from being home bound. I had only a few friends and they was just off doing there own thing. Not really thinking about me. They was out parting and doing drugs. While I was fighting a loosing battle. My life had took a turn for the worst. I had been abused for 8 years and had lost all hope. I had planed to kill my self. But something happened that stopped me in my tracks. I met Daniel. He took me into his group. Which is the most unpopular kids in the school. But they are fun. He showed me what true friendship was. The thoughts about killing my self slowly went away as the days passed. I was becoming happy when I was around him. Even though I went home and got abused night after night. I was always happy when morning came around just so i could see Daniel again. Along with Daniel came Cory, Ricky, Cody, Shelley, Kelly, and many more people that I owe my life to. But even though I had great friends that cared about me. Life still remained a battle for awhile. Because of my stepfather. Then one night I was filled with so much hate for the man. I snapped when he started in on me. I blacked out from the rage. And came to standing over his body. With blood all over my hands. I had almost killed him. I moved out 2 weeks later. And started a new life. But still keeping my friends close by. And still there is a secret that I have been keeping for my whole life that has tore me up on the inside. I have laid awake at night thinking about it. Only 3 people know the secret and one is Daniel. Along with his cousin, and his Girl Friend. And now I am tired of hiding it. If I don't tell more people its just going to kill me. So for all my friends who read this. I am transgender. I am a girl in a boys body. I know it don't make any since. But it is the truth. I would not make that up. I have been this way for a very long time. I hate my body. I have a penis when know i should have a vagina. Every thing is just wrong on my body. The only thing female on this body is my hands. I pray every night just to wake up as a girl. But it never happens. I can't tell my family this cause they will disown me. So one day. I will end up having the body i wish to have. But not any time soon. But all I ask is to accept me for who I am. Not what I am. I am a GIRL!!! not a boy. even though I still love girls. I am one. But this is all i have to say.


  1. As you have told me, and as I have told you I accept you for what you are. I do apologize for not reading this sooner, but my life on blog hasn't exactly been that active recently. But will now be back to it's normal *cough, cough* status. At any rate I am glad to see you able to post this, as I can understand the feeling that holding a secret deep inside you can bring, it's painful to not talk about it. So please if you have anything you need to speak with me about I ask you to do so, and not to harvest any more pain inside of yourself.

  2. Hey Wayne, I also Accept you as for who you are. I'm with you all the way. Sorry I haven't been able to read this sooner...as you and danny know I haven't really had time to write on my own blog as well. Remember you always have me...email me whenever...

    love always,

