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Thursday, April 23, 2009

life of a street racer

what can i say i like to street race. i have been doing it for a while now. sure its ilegal. and can get me put in jail. but ill take the chance. i remember my first race it was against a handa civic. it started off and i thought i was going to loose. but after the handa hit 3rd gear i started catching up with him fast. then i hit fourth gear at 5,000rpms and slung by him like he was sitting still. it was such a great feeling and a good adrinalin rush. after my first race i started to push my car to the limit and finaly became one with the car. about a month later word was spreading fast that i was the one who had to be beat at his own game so the people started coming at me like crazy. they all wanted a peice of me. i started geting a name for my self on the streets. then i dissaperd for awhile. well i really didnt disaper i started being a shadow racer. i would come up behind unsuspecting racers with my lights off then turn them on right when i got right beside them on the road. but i would only keep the on until i went around a turn then i would vanish into the night. word spread quik about the mysterious shadow car. then one night while i was coming up on a car with my lights off i got reall close and saw a light bar on top of the car. and about the time i saw this a car whent by on the other side of the road and the cop spoted me. luckley i was coming up on a back road i knew well so. the second the cop turned on the lights i darted down a back road with pedal to the medal. i watch in the rear view as the cop tried to catch me but after i came around a certan turn i pulled into a drive was and turned the car off. and i watched as the cop went by. i waited about an hour before i took off again. and i made it home safe. that was my closest call ever. now i have calmed down some. but i still race from time to time just to have some fun. but hey im still waiting for the day some one can beat me on the local touge.

Monday, April 20, 2009

what can i say

lets just say im hating my life right now. today i was having a really good day for once. that dont happen very often any more. here is how my day went today. i woke up as i do every day cause if i didnt wake up i would be dead. even though i bet death would be kind of cool. ok back on subject. after i woke up i went into the living room to listen to my mother gossip as she does every time i see her. even though i hate to listen to it. THANK GOD FOR INTERNET!!! thats the only way i can zone her out and keep a sain mind..... well a half sain mind cause i am a little insain if you ask my freinds. ate myself some food. then got on the computer for about an hour. then i looked at the clock and there was one hour till work so i got ready and left. but i didnt go strait there. i stoped by auto zone to pick up some car paint for my car. there went $76.00 down the drain oh well its the price you pay when restoring a car. after i got done at auto zone i went to work. i clock in and they put me on fried pruducts. i dont mind that too much concidering they depend on me more than any one else there any way. i have been there longer than all the other employies. i still dont see why im not the manager yet. ill get my time in the spot light. after about an hour on fries they put me on table wich i cant stand table cause its just too crazy to work on. i really prefer the grill over any thing else there because i am unmatched when it comes to cooking on it. they kept me on table for about a hour in a half. then they put me on front counter to take orders. that i dont mind cause i love holding money. of course i havent met a person in this world who dont so thats cool. i stayed there until i went on break. i went to burger king to eat cause i love the quad stackers with extra stacker sause. then when i got my food i took a bite and noticed that it was thicker than it should be so i looked and they had put 6 peices of meat on there. i was in burger heaven. lol. after my break i went back to taking orders and i did that till 10:30pm. then i had to go and clean the walk in freezer. but i like the freezer cause i love cold places. after i was done with the freezer i was about to go home for the night when my manager told me to put the tea in the walk in cooler. and there was about 24 gallons of sweat tea i had to push in on a cart. so i get in to the walk in and there is a bunch of boxes of food on the ground so i would have to try to get around them. that when my night got bad. i thought i was in the clear and 12 gallons of tea hit the floor. oh man did i cuse. i had to stay over and clean up that mess after i was done i walk out the door and drove home and started typing this out. so now you know why i my day sucks.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

my life in view 2

after i graduated i started working full time at mcds. were i was starting to spend all my time and feeling like my life had no meaning to it. but i knew there had to be a way to be happy again. so i started to look online for college and i found devry university. so i applied for college. but something happened and i was not able to go which realy sucked concidering that was my only chance to get out of this hell. the reason i call it hell is because of a mother always complaining about money, and going through the change of life. after awhile i started to look into studieing japanese. which i find to be fun. but when i speak it people look at me in a weired way. like saying wtf. its left me confused. i dont know what i want any more. i want happienes but there is only one was to achieve that and that is to move from here were my mom is and move in with my father. so that leaves me at a cross roads. should i stay here and be unhappy for the rest of my life and not hurt my mother by leaving, or should i move in with my father and be happy and do something that will get me places in life. cause were i live now there is nothing here its a retirement town. sure there are people my age here but there is not any thing for us to do here ecept to watch out friends get into drugs and go to jail. its a really hard thing to watch. i was moved here when i was young and lived with a drunk up till a few years ago. i tried to kill him but was not able to because of my mother. since then we have been trying to make ends meet. which are almost able to do. thats why i think she would be better off with out me. well thats pretty much my life.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

my life in view

I have a interesting life i think. i have some funny friends were i live most of them are nerds but what can i say. its never boring when you hang around me and my friends. i have found that i am a out cast when it comes down to it. i remember back when i started high school after coming off home bound. i didnt realy fit in with most people in the school, but there was a small group of people that just interested me. it was a group of nerds. so i started to hang out with them every day. and i felt like i really fit in with them. before i knew it i was a nerd myself. i thought my life could not get any funner than it already was. but soon after meeting them we all started kung fu. i found that to be alot of fun. but that was put an end because i had to get a job so i could help pay bills. i got my first job a mcdonalds. and quikly became the king of the grill. so i had a job and could pay bills. but i also still tried to hang out with all my friends. i found that it was hard to do concidering that i worked almost every day after school. then out of no were they cut my hours. for around 3 months, so i had plenty of time to hang out with my friends. and this was my senior year in high school. so i had alot to do. come the end of the year i had my hours back at mcdonalds and it was wearing me out quik. my grades were starting to drop cause i had no time to do my homework. but thanks to a teacher that helped me out. my grades were coming back up and i was able to concetrate better on my work. so in may of 08 i graduated from high school.