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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Life is going to get very interesting.

Well here i am once again bloging. this is something i enjoy doing. It really lets me get alot of stuff off my mind. but any way lets get down to the main reason i am typing this today. Kurtney is down for a visit and that makes me happy. she is one of the ones that know about me. And she is trying to get me to open up to her. And I am trying. Even though I know she would not try to hurt me. Im still afraid to come out to her fully. Its something thats just hard to do. Like last night I let her do my make-up. that was so fun. But i had to wash it off fast. I had to work today and that would have just been bad for me. No one at work knows about me. and i am glad. But I am trying to throw around some hints here and there, but alot of people now days are stupid and don't catch on very easy. Like at the beach I bought some silly bands. And some of them are pink. I LOVE PINK!!! And i have been wearing them around work and stuff. But I have only had a few ask me why I was wearing pink. I responded with. Whats the problem with boys wearing pink. All it is. Is a color. It shut them up. But im just waiting for some of the head people to ask me. Then I will load their heads with so much stuff they did not know. It will be funny. Cause really back before the 60s Pink was a guys color. But after that it was considered a female color. And on the outside I may be male. But on the inside. I am female and don't you forget it. But any way. Before I just start to randomly ramble about how messed up the world is. Im going to get off here. so bye every one.

1 comment:

  1. Ohh Kurt did your makeup?!?!?! No way! I wanted to do that!!! Ohh well.... hmmm.... you should totally listen to the pink spiders its a band! I use to not like pink so much but after listening to the band...i became okay with it. hee hee! miss you! email me soon.
