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Monday, October 18, 2010

bad day

Well here i am again a little depressed. I had a hard day at work. And that kind of sent me into that dark place i don't like to go to in my head. The place were I hid for so many years. It started off good. that was until i found out that two people were having guest and they was putting them on my side. Note: one had two guest the other 5. and my side normally only has 7 tables open. But i ended up having to go into the club room and setting up two more tables that sucked so bad. And then after all that was said and done. i got every thing cleaned up and went into the back to eat my lunch. Next thing i know is a girl from house keeping comes in and starts fussing at me for sometihng I did not do. And that upset me. And sent me into the dark place. And when that happens I start going down hill fast. The rest of the day I was fighting back the tears so i could keep working and the residents could not tell something was wrong. I did my crying on the way home. but yeah that was my day. I hope tomorrow will be better.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear you had a bad day. Also sorry for not commenting sooner, I meant to but never got said chance, well I had the chance but didn't take it. Sorry bro. At anyrate hope your days are bright from now on.
